Core Curriculum
Our students engage in traditional subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Languages and The Arts, as well as Physical and Social learning subjects such as Health and Physical education and Civics and Citizenship. Digital Learning is applied across all year levels and subject areas. Our General Curriculum areas are further enriched by the Extra-Curricula activities that we offer.
Our students are encouraged to explore, participate and contribute to the world around them, locally and globally. The learning experiences we provide at Maiden Gully Primary School are designed using the Victorian Curriculum, which is a set of guidelines that outlines what is essential for all students to learn from Foundation (Prep) to Year 10. It provides a single, coherent and comprehensive set of common achievement standards which schools use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents. The Victorian Curriculum guidelines are aligned with the Australian Curriculum adopted by all states and territories across Australia.
We aim to create a safe and happy environment where students are valued, praised and encouraged. We have strategies in place to make sure students are challenged and their literacy and numeracy skills continue to grow during their primary school years.
Maiden Gully Primary School seeks to inspire students and develop an ongoing love of learning whilst developing quality skills in English through evidence-based and explicit teaching of core literacy skills and the structure and composure of English. Our whole school approach is working towards students being taught consistently, systematically and explicitly through evidence-informed practices. Our Literacy Block incorporates Reading and Writing with Oral Language Development. There is a strong focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, building knowledge, spelling, handwriting, sentence construction, text composition, morphology and etymology.
Brett Pattison
The Arrow Literacy Program supports predominantly Year 1 and Year 2 students in need of additional assistance in reading and writing. Nominated students attend in small groups several times a week in a supportive and encouraging learning environment.