Student Engagement and Wellbeing

Maiden Gully Primary School Values provide the foundation for all Student Engagement and Wellbeing Initiatives at our school. The strategy ensures that students, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff understand and use the same language and have the same expectations around behaviour.
Our positive approach towards Wellbeing and the Values we practice are promoted at every opportunity and  in all aspects of school life including, weekly whole school assembly, weekly awards and in the newsletter. We believe it is important that parents are able to read about the School Values students are focusing on.
Maiden Gully is a Bully Stopper and an eSmart School that employs Restorative Practice. Restorative Management is a process that deals with conflict resolution. It’s a way to resolve issues in an organised way that focuses on community and promotes key language & understanding and moves away from various forms of punitive approaches. Our approach involves students being empowered to proactively “Name It” and a explicit teaching around the “Role of the Bystander.” We believe everyone has the right to be safe and treated with respect; it’s everyone’s responsibility to speak up and name unwanted behaviour. This is further supported by our “3 Parts to Sorry” strategy to change inappropriate behaviour and the opportunity for students to speak out and discuss concerns or issues with safety and support. 
We take our role in identifying and supporting students with additional needs and have a number of measures in place to work in partnership with parents and caregivers and tailor learning to the needs of individual students.
Above all, we believe that attendance is the key to a successful education and that the classroom teacher has the biggest impact on student absenteeism. We make it a habit to sell tomorrow to our students. 
We also have additional support services available for those students and families who require it. 

Wellbeing Officer
The role of the Wellbeing Officer is to provide Wellbeing Support to students and families at Maiden Gully Primary.
Merrilyn provides support for individual students and is accessible to parents.
She provides a link to support services offered through the DET and a wide range of outside support agencies.

Department Appointments:
Speech Therapist is a role that provides Speech Therapy and initial assessments of Learning Difficulties for students as required.
Social Worker is a role that provides counselling to individual students and small group sessions as required.

More on DEECD Updates.